Board Members
MCOG is overseen by a board consisting of two Mendocino County supervisors, a countywide public appointee, and one council member from each of the four incorporated cities: Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Willits, and Point Arena. A representative of Caltrans serves on the Policy Advisory Committee with the seven directors.
As appointed by their respective jurisdications, the following representatives are serving for the calendar year 2023:
Dan Gjerde, Chair and Transit Productivity Committee - County of Mendocino
John Haschak, Vice Chair and CALCOG Delegate - County of Mendocino
Bernie Norvell, Executive Committee and CALCOG Alternate - City of Fort Bragg
Michael Carter, Transit Productivity Committee - Countywide Public Appointee
Greta Kanne - City of Willits
Josefina Duenas - City of Ukiah
Jeff Hansen - City of Point Arena
Glenn McGourty - County of Mendocino
Susan Sher - City of Ukiah
Pending - City of Fort Bragg
Larry Stranske - City of Willits
Anna Dobbins - City of Point Arena