Community Listening Sessions for Mobility Solutions
August 5, 2022 - MCOG's Mobility Solutions Study is now underway! We are pleased to introduce our consultant team AMMA Transit Planning, who will be leading in-person listening sessions during the week of August 22-26 in each of five communities: Laytonville, Covelo, Brooktrails, Potter Valley, and Hopland.
Objectives of the Feasibility Study - Mobility Solutions for Rural Communities of Inland Mendocino County are to research, analyze, and identify feasible mobility solutions and non-traditional transit alternatives and options, including innovative options that utilize low- and no-emission vehicles, for future use to provide transportation service to inland Mendocino County’s remote and disadvantaged communities, currently unserved by traditional transit.
Please join us. For details, view or download the flyer:
MCOG Mobility Solutions flyer ENG.pdfMCOG Mobility Solutions flyer ESP.pdfFor more details and to participate online, visit the project website here:
Mobility Solutions Study | Social Pinpoint (