Gualala Project - Virtual Public Meeting
January 12, 2021 - Caltrans and Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG) invite all to attend a virtual public meeting for the Gualala Downtown Streetscape Enhancement project on Thursday, January 14, 2021 from 5 to 7 p.m. The project team has taken previous project comments and will present a new alternative for community consideration.
The invitational poster was provided in MCOG's December board agenda packet:
Gualala-Downtown-VPM-poster.pdfA preview of the meeting presentation is available on Caltrans District 1's YouTube channel. A link to a PDF version of the preview presentation slides can be found at the Caltrans site below.
An online survey is available until January 29, 2021 to receive input regarding the new alternative presented. To complete the online survey, please visit
Access information for the January 14, 2021 meeting:
This meeting will be hosted using the WebEx meeting system. For help with joining a WebEx meeting, please see the following article:
Join meeting link:
Meeting number (access code): 146 960 2408
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388
For those without Internet access, please use the “Join by phone” number.
The January 14 online meeting will also be simulcast on Caltrans District 1’s YouTube channel and on Mendocino Coast Television.
Additional information, including various planning documents, may be found at the Caltrans District 1 website: Gualala Downtown Streetscape Enhancement | Caltrans | Caltrans