MCOG Operations During COVID-19 Emergency
March 20, 2020 - MCOG is developing plans for continued operations and staffing during the coronavirus emergency. We will continue moving important transportation projects and services forward, while protecting the health and safety of our staff and the community. These plans will comply with the March 18 County of Mendocino Public Health Order, used as guidance for agency operations.
While this Shelter-in-Place order is in effect, the office is closed to the public. Most of MCOG staff are working from home. A minimal level of staffing is maintained in the office for “Minimum Basic Operations” as defined in the March 18 order.
For now, email is the best way to communicate with individual staff. A list of MCOG staff and email addresses is posted on our website under About MCOG/Staff.
At this writing, we plan to conduct meetings via teleconference, including the April MCOG Board and committee meetings. In accordance with the modified Brown Act Requirements established by the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, the public will be able to participate telephonically. Staff is researching more options for remote meeting participation, as extended shelter-in-place orders can be expected.
Please stay safe, and feel free to reach out to staff with any questions or concerns.

Nephele Barrett, Executive Director
Mendocino Council of Governments