MCOG Tours Point Arena and Gualala April 1
March 22, 2019: Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG) will meet on Monday, April 1 for its semiannual tour of transportation plans and projects in local communities. The Council will take a bus tour of the Point Arena area at 10:15 a.m. Over the lunch hour, the Council will hold its regular meeting at the Gualala Community Center, 47950 Center Street, followed by a walking tour of downtown Gualala at 1:00 p.m.
Interested community members are welcome to join the tour, on a space-available basis for the bus in Point Arena (morning). All are invited to walk along in Gualala (afternoon). While seating on the bus is limited, those interested may contact MCOG at 463-1859 for a reservation, subject to availability. The itinerary can be found on the agenda.
The Council meeting is open to all from 12:00–1:00 p.m. for discussion, public expression, and reports. The agenda may be viewed at the Gualala Community Center or online at