Request for Proposals - Update/Expand Local Road Safety/Action Plans
October 20, 2023 - MCOG invites proposals for professional services to prepare updates of existing Local Road Safety Plans in Mendocino County. Proposals are due November 16, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
The purpose of this project is to hire a consultant to update and expand the existing Local Road Safety Plans (five separate plans) to be eligible for federal Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) program funds. This will include all required SS4A action plan components, thus enabling the County and Cities to apply for SS4A implementation grant funding. This update/expansion will also include any newly identified safety projects, including projects identified during stakeholder outreach.
A thorough public engagement process will be implemented to solicit public input from all areas of the County, including underserved and disadvantaged communities. In addition to the technical research and analysis required, equitable stakeholder and public outreach will be conducted in all areas of the County, to inform the project.
This project is on a compressed timeline to be completed in time to apply for these federal grants. Deliverables for this scope of work will be due June 3, 2024. Download the RFP for full details:
RFP-Update-Expand LRSP Action Plans 2023-10-19.pdf