Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Regional Baseline Study Completed
June 2, 2020 - The SB 743 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Regional Baseline Study was accepted by the Board of Directors after a presentation by consultant Fehr & Peers at MCOG's regular meeting yesterday.
View or download the study:
SB743 VMT Regional Baseline Study-accepted(w-links).pdfSummary presentation:
SB743 VMT Regional Baseline Study-presentn.pdfSenate Bill 743 required the State to change how transportation impacts on the environment are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The intent of the legislation was to remove barriers to infill development, public transportation projects, and projects that increase walking and biking. This legislation is changing measurement of transportation impacts under CEQA from level of service to vehicle miles traveled, and will affect how new development projects and land use plans are analyzed. The new requirements go into effect July 1, 2020.
Local member agency staff will receive technical training (in an online format) from the consultants on the new procedures and a screening tool that has been developed for the purpose.
The project was funded by a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning grant and Local Transportation Funds. For more information, contact MCOG's Deputy Planner at